Trapí Vás zánět dásní, paradentóza, zubní kámen nebo zapigmentované zuby? Nebo chcete jen preventivně chránit své zuby a dásně?
Neskrývejte dál svůj úsměv, my Vám s tím pomůžeme!
Naším cílem je Váš zdravý úsměv, který se nebudete bát rozdávat a zároveň zkušenost, že dentální hygiena nemusí být utrpení.

Gingivitis is initially manifested swollen gums, redness and bleeding while cleaning. The gums may be sensitive to pain. Gingivitis occurs due to irritation of the plaque and later dental stone in periodontal sulcus. Treatment of gingivitis is to remove accumulated coatings and tartar and briefing proper tooth brushing techniques.
Periodontitis (parodontosis incorrect name) is an inflammatory disease of the tooth supporting apparatus, ie. surrounding structures (gums, connective fibers pendant, bone bed of the tooth). It arises by harmful bacterial activity under the surface of the gums along the tooth root.
Prevention of dental caries
Tooth decay is the most widespread infectious diseases in the world. It is caused by bacteria in the oral cavity, which are able to convert sugar from food into acids and interfere with the tooth enamel. Tooth decay is the result of long-term effects of plaque acids and hence poor oral hygiene.
Remineralizace zubů
Jako prevence zubního kazu je nejúčinnější remineralizace zubů a tedy zpětné dodávání minerálů do skloviny. Základem by měla být kvalitní zubní pasta. Jednou týdně je pak možná aplikace koncentrovaného remineralizačního gelu nebo krému. Dnes je v lékárně běžně k sehnání mnoho preparátů.
Pigmentation removal
Pigmentation are dark or black spots on teeth caused by smoking, drinking coffee, tea, red wine and eating other color food. Yellow to brown discoloration can be caused by the use of antibacterial mouthwashes with addition chlorhexidine digluconate, dark to black discoloration can be caused by chromogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. This exogenous stain can be removed friendly and at the same time efficient manner even without using peroxide.
Air Flow
Method of air flow were sanding works on the principle of high pressure air, water and fine powder (baking soda). Thus the teeth are devoid of pigmentation, plaque, bacteria and even hard to reach places such as various joints, edges and filling grooves on the teeth. Your teeth will be cleaned thoroughly and return them to their natural light color. It will also neutralize the acidic environment of the oral cavity and suspended in carious enamel processes.